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November 29, 2006
Tension headaches eased with acupunture, exercise - CNN.com
A Swedish study reports that the use of Physical Therapy, Relaxation and Acupuncture all relieve tension headaches for up to 6 months. Patients with headaches more than 15/mos were split into one of 3 groups. All 3 groups showed significant imporvement at the 6 month range. Acupuncture and Relaxation at the 3 month range. Yet only Relaxation techniques showed immediate improvement post treatment. CNN Article Here
Posted by Admin at 12:17 PM | Comments (0)
November 22, 2006
SB1235 Passes State House and Senate in Pennsylvania!!!
Say goodbye to referral in the state of PA! By a massive lobbying miracle our lobbyist and President Ben Griffith and a second lobbyist brought us home and got our legislation passed on literally the last session day of the PA General Assembly for 2006. All it now needs is a signature from the Governor and PA Acupuncturists can breath a serious sigh of relief with never needing a referral from an MD again.
You can check out the bill's progress and language here: Link
Posted by Admin at 11:05 PM | Comments (0)
November 17, 2006
PA Legislation Struggling while Bad News Abounds
So the Association for Professional Acupuncture in PA, of which I'm a board member and I still think is a crappy name :), is fighting for its legislation down to the wire, with literally one day of session days left in our State House of Representatives. Meanwhile, while I'm making calls and sending emails, I see this pop up on the local news: Acupuncturist Accused Of Fondling Male Patients. Talk about momentum killing.
It always kills me that there are bad apples among us, but could they seriously just time their badness better!!! Hopefully I'll have awesome news about our new legislation soon, good or bad.
Posted by Admin at 03:02 PM | Comments (0)
November 01, 2006
Election Day is Tuesday, November 7th
I freely admit to being an unabashed liberal. However, if you even remotely care about Acupuncture or the state of healthcare for that matter, your only choice at the ballot box is to Vote Democrat. The Hinchey Bill that puts Acupuncture into Medicare will only ever see the light of day if the Democrats take the House. Bush is supposedly pro-acu but he's anti regulation so I'm not even sure if the bill would get signed. BUT IT WILL NEVER REACH HIS DESK WITH A REPUBLICAN MAJORITY.
Posted by Admin at 01:15 PM | Comments (0)
Osteoarthritis Patients Treated With Acupuncture Show Improvement, Again
Yet another study has come out showing the efficacy of Acupuncture with OA of the Knee. This one comes from the University Medical Center in Berlin, Germany but seriously I think people are obsessed with this disease. There are over 5 studies of this published with Acupuncture and another 2 ongoing at U of MD and at UPenn. Article Here
Posted by Admin at 01:04 PM | Comments (0)