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TCM Theory Exam 5

I hope this challenges you and makes you think. There can be more than one answer for every question, including multiple choice. To see the answer to any question, go to the red area next to the question. Take your mouse and, while holding the left button, drag it across the area of the red area. This will highlight the answer. You can also press Ctrl-A (PC) or Command-A (Mac) to highlight everything on the screen and this will show you the answers as well. If you see any errors or can think of good questions to add please email me. Good luck and enjoy.

41. Which of the following disorders can be associated with a thin pulse?
a. blood deficiency
b. qi deficiency
c. yin deficiency
d. yang deficiency

all of them!
42. A thick, greasy, white coating on the tongue indicates what?
a. dampness
b. cold
c. heat
d. deficiency

a. dampness + b. cold
43. Teeth marks on a tongue's edges from being swollen indicates what disorder?
a. lung yin deficiency
b. spleen qi deficiency
c. spleen yang deficiency
d. liver blood deficiency

b. spleen qi deficiency + c. spleen yang deficiency
44. How does internal wind or heat manifest on the tongue?
a. purple tongue body
b. gray tongue coat
c. deviated tongue
d. peeled tongue

c. deviated tongue
45. Name the three major yin organs that control water metabolism?

1. spleen 2. lung 3. kidney
46. According to the chinese clock what channel controls the time of 1-3AM?
a. spleen
b. liver
c. gall bladder
d. heart

b. liver
47. List three possible reasons for bleeding to occur?

1. heat in the blood 2. blood stagnation from trauma 3. spleen not controlling the vessels
48. A slow, irregularly irregular pulse beat means what?
a. qi deficiency
b. cold obstructing qi and blood
c. heat causing recklessness of blood
d. blood and yin deficiency

b. cold obstructing qi and blood
49. Redness at the tip of the tongue indicates what?
a. lung qi deficiency
b. liver blood deficiency
c. stomach heat
d. heart heat

d. heart heat
50. A disease of the yin type will appear as what?
a. chronic, slow onset, deficient, cold
b. acute, quick onset, deficient, heat
c. chronic, slow onset, excess, heat
d. acute, quick onset, excess, cold

a. chronic, slow onset, deficient, cold
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