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Acupuncture, Herbs, and Medical Supplies
Acupuncture Supplies | Herbal Supplies | Medical Supplies |
All Heart 431 Calle San Pablo Camarillo, CA 93012 Fax:(805) 445-8816 |
Great site with a huge amount of supplies for a medical/acupuncture office. A wealth of scrubs, labcoats, medical bags, blood pressure devices, scopes and just about everything you would ever need acupuncturist or doc. Secure check out with all major credit cards. Great images for all products. |
Meyer Distribution 1810 Summit Commerce Park Twinsburg, OH 44087 Phone: 1.800.472.4221 Fax: 1.800.577.4632 |
Has a variety of alternative oriented supplies. It claims to have Acupuncture supplies but they're minimal. Unsure if they've finally allowed online purchases yet or not but their catalog is really extensive and worth having. |