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Books on Japanese Acupuncture

A typical students book list for studying the Japanese style of acupuncture and it's various forms.
coverChasing The Dragon's Tail by Yoshio Manaka - Manaka's masterpiece where he explains the X-signal system, and gives us his ion pumping cord treatments as well as some great local treatments.

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coverJapanese Acupuncture: A Clinical Guide by Stephen Birch - Great beginning to starting Japanese Acupuncture. Gets you out of the TCM mind frame. Great addition to your local treatment strategies as well.

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coverHara Diagnosis: Reflections on the Sea by Kiiko Matsumoto - Kiiko's interesting and insightful views on where hara diagnosis comes from and some of her own ways of clearing the abdomen.

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coverExtraordinary Vessels by Kiiko Matsumoto - Theoretical explanations and treatment systems based on the use of the eight extraordinary vessels. Descriptions of the eight trajectories include starting points, pathways, variant pathways, and branches.

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