Books on TCM
If you are thinking of going to your good old school bookstore and purchasing that book that you have always
wanted....STOP!!! Check these out first. There is a good possibility that you can find
them here and with a discount that the bookstore at your school won't offer you. In addition, I have
broken down the books into sections by subject, plus a section for the bibliography of the NCCAOM exam & test prep books.
If you have used and read these books, please take the time to write a review and rate the books.
Where to Find Discounts?
I have changed my opinion on this a few times. Currently, due to lots of competition, Amazon, which
is what all the books are linked to here seems to have the best prices. All the other places I have seen have stopped discounting acupuncture books.
These books are on the Primary Resource List for the NCCAOM exam. |
 Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion by Chen Xinnong - Most likely you own this already, but if you don't and you go to school outside of California buy this here and now cause it is the cheapest you will find it. This book is what the NCCAOM exam is based off of so regardless of whether it is the best choice for that, it is a must have.

Acupuncture: A Comprehensive Text by Chen Chiu Hseuh - An introductory text with descriptions of acupuncture points, hundreds of prescriptions, and detailed discussion of acupuncture techniques and modalities ranging from ear, head, hand and foot acupuncture to moxibustion, cupping and surgical techniques.

Essentials of Chinese Acupuncture by Beijing College of TCM - The textbook for the introductory course in Beijing, Shanghai, and Nanking International Acupuncture Training Centers since 1979. Includes points, theory and technique explanations.

A Manual of Acupuncture by Peter Deadman, et al. - Manual describes and illustrates the channels and collaterals, the various categories of points, and methods of selection, location, and needling. The book focuses heavily on every individual point with drawings and explantions for every point.

The Web That Has No Weaver by Ted Kaptchuck Excellent book even if your not a student. The perfect basic intro to Chinese Medicine. Read this before you go to school so you know what you are getting yourself into. If you are a student, it's one of the few books that explains the pulses well.

Practice Test Books - To help you study for the NCCAOM exam. |
Preparing for the NCCAOM Acupuncture Examination by Lei Ding - This book includes 1000 multiple-choice questions with answers. The topics covered reflect the content outline of the NCCAOM examination. The questions follow the format used on the NCCAOM examination.

Tests: Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion by Dr. Cui Yongqiang - This book also includes about 1000 questions, mainly multi-choice but also other types. Though not directly taken from the NCCAOM it is a good test book based on Essentials and CAM.

Acupuncture (TCM Study Guide Series) by Shi Cun Wu - This provides resource material and multiple-choice questions designed to help TCM practitioners and students prepare themselves to take acupunture board tests, not necessarily the NCCAOM. The book's 2,200 questions cover point location and function, needling techniques, moxibustion, ear and head acupunture, case diagnosis, and treatment strategies.

Diagnostics (TCM Study Guide Series) by Shi Cun Wu - Same deal as other one with focus on Diagnostics, tongue, pulse, etc.

Other Great Online Bookstores
So you haven't found what you are looking for at Amazon or Booksamillion. You don't have a cool bookstore either?? Then check out the ones below.
These sites also have books that you won't be able to find ANYWHERE, especially freshly translated books and ones in Chinese.
Acuneeds-They don't only sell acupuncture supplies, they also have over 20 pages full of books, and at decent prices too. Many books have their own description page too so you know what you're getting.
Blue Poppy Press-Decent site with a ton of their own published books, and a great message board with well known acupuncturists.
China Books-Insanely well developed site that talks to you. A decent amount of books on TCM but a great source for other topics revolving around China (Martial Arts, History, etc).
Paradigm Publications-Cool front page. Again it's own published books but some good ones.
Qi Journal-Great site for beginners of all things qi related, along with a book to match every subject. These guys go in the journal section as well cause the whole site basically is one.
Redwing Book Co.-Not publisher site with a lot of books on TCM, complimentary health care, and energy work. Lots of videos and tapes too.
Shambala Books-Publisher site with direct links to all they have published.
Spanda Medical's Bookstore-They have almost every book I've seen, including some nice atlases and books on Western Medicine. Yet again, though, no discounts.