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Books on Miscellaneous TCM

Books which are just plain interesting, even though they may never end up on a syllabus.
coverNeuro-Acupuncture by Zang Hee Cho Ph.D. - A pictorially beautiful way of teaching the beginner or novice of basic neuro-science (by the guy who invented the PET scan) and current theories on how acupuncture may really work. A must for impressing those pesky MD's.

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coverQ-dex - I just think this is cool. Instead of a Far Side calender stand on your desk, use this and if you look at one a day you may actually remember every point! (note: this is not a calendar)

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coverChinese Medicine by Paul U. Unschuld - This is a wonderful book of the more specific evolution of chinese medicine in the mainland and how the dynastys and republics alike inflicted their influence.

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coverGrasping the Wind by Nigel Wiseman - Great book for those who care where the names of the points came from. Great tool for expanding your knowledge and making you really think about why an action is associated with a point.

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coverChina: A New History by John King Fairbank - An Excellent book on the history of China. Not TCM specific but nonetheless it gives you the background for where the art was created and how it has changed through dynasty and republic.

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